Marmelade Drops

Marmelade Drops

INGREDIENTS IN THIS DISH: 1 Cup of Icing Sugar (Powdered Sugar) 200g Softened Butter (or Margarine) 2 1/4 Cups of Plain Flour 1 Egg 1 Teaspoon of Vanilla Essence 1/3 Cup of Strawberry Jam (or your favourite flavour) MAKES 20 Preparation Time: 5 minutes Cooking Time: 20 - 25 minutes

make small balls with your hands and with your thumb make a small holes fill the holes with (Gourmet marmelade by Dimitriou Family Fruits) and bake for 20- 25 minutes!

After let them cool and in a ben marie melt some chocolate (dark) and cover the marmelade drops with!

let them cool and you're ready!

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